Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Caroline's Halloween
October 30, 2009
Told By:Domenic
Carolines 's most memorable Halloween took place in North Reading MA. She wore a hobo costume and it had ripped up pants and a ripped up shirt. She went trick or treating with her friends in town. Her friends were Dede, Karon, Heather and Dennis. She stayed up to about 9:00 pm and they thought they were horrified. The treats she got was Three Musketeers, Kit Kat, Milky Way, Dots and Charleston Chew.
She put the treats in bags and she put them under the cabnet. She have went to a Halloween party never given a Halloween party. She hung out talked have fun and ate. She have decorated a pumpkin she did not carve one. They had fun and they would go to a restaurant to free pizza. She stopped trick or treating when she was 12-13 years old.
When she was walking home her and her friends saw people on the street and she went up to them and said hi are you guess going trick or treating. When she turned around they disappeared before you could say hi! She was so scared and so were her friends and they were suprised how fast they were. When they went home they told every body about there night and how weird it was.

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